Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Medias Unrealistic Portrayal of the Ideal Body
Media exists in many forms; billboard ads, television ads, magazine ads, newspapers, websites etc. Daily advertisements surround us every step of the way from the skies to subways, and from our work to our homes. It’s unthinkable what impact do these advertisements play in the lives of many people. Media is a very strong tool to have control of because it has great influence on the mind of the viewer and also sometimes creates norms that the society starts to incorporate in the â€Å"Normal norms.†Media promotes the young and adult to disfigure their bodies by portraying an â€Å"ideal†body image for men as muscular and women to be thin as being beautiful in today’s world. The image of the ideal body and beauty for men and women in the world†¦show more content†¦These are the same people that start to incorporate these unrealistic standards in to their lives and lives of others. As stated by Ewen in captains of consciousness, â€Å"Their ads, they felt, must dramatize this competition and ceremonialize the victory of the new life style.†(Page 161) During the last couple of decades media has made thinness as a new fashion for women and being muscular for men. For instance if you visit any clothing website the first image you would most likely see after their special offers are models. These models would be of well built men with open shirts (sometimes) to reveal the abs and also of women that are thin in sexy clothing. An example Armani Exchange main website (image page 4), first thing you see is a man and woman sitting by each other in revealing clothing showing off their bodies rather than the clothing for which this ad was made for. This is just one company to name but all big clothing companies such as Express, Gucci, (image page 4) and Polo Ralph Lauren all have attractive â€Å"Ultra thin†women and men with 6 pack abs on their websites, billboards, and run ways but not one image of a â€Å"normal†man or woman anywhere to be seen. Another thing that Ewen had said in captains of consciousness was how â€Å"The real insecurity women felt about â€Å"what a woman should be†is clearly manipulated in these ad of the twenties.†(Page 179)Show MoreRelated Enjoyment of Being a Girl: Overcoming Industry Standards Essay1489 Words  | 6 Pagesportrayed how the average woman looks. These portrayals can lead to loss of self-esteem and also weight loss. Women should know that they need their spiritual health to live happily and not be influenced by the images that the media portray as the â€Å"perfect†body. Women need to have a feeling of being safe, powerful and comfortable wi thin their own bodies. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Media has a negative impact on the way women feel about their bodies†, says Julie Parsons a clinical social workerRead MoreMedia s Effect On Teens986 Words  | 4 Pagesdisease control and prevention (CDC), the suicide rate is currently the third largest leading causes of death among teenagers, and the numbers are growing day by day. Media’s contribution to this upward trend of suicide may be debatable, but we can’t deny the influence of television commercials on teens. Through false advertisements, unrealistic standard of beauty, and social norms, Media is fueling a national epidemic of teen suicide. Despite its downside, Mass Media is widely considered to be the breakthroughRead MoreEffects of Mass Medias Ideal of Thinness1482 Words  | 6 Pagesperspectives to match that of the media’s current ideals. Concern over the media’s influence on body image has recently risen, striking the notion that many people regard the images shown throughout media as ‘real’. However, unbeknownst to them, such unbelievably thin body types are not quite attainable in reality, and therefore, individuals’ own beauty ideals and body images become unrealistic. The mass media’s ideal image of thinness has greatly impacted the overall body image of today, and has beenRead MoreTeenage Girls and Body Image Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pagesof influence from the media’s message. The problem with this is the media has a specific way of doing things and can be negative to a susceptible teenage girl. Media’s way of portraying a woman can be skewed and unr ealistic way from what reality is. Teenage girls then have a desire for this look or way. In this essay the three ways I will describe as to why the media can negatively affect a teenage girls body image is by showing unrealistic bodies and women, women whose bodies are desirable by a massRead MoreMedia Portrayal Of Beauty1140 Words  | 5 PagesMedia’s Portrayal of Beauty Some people occasionally feel that their own appearance is unacceptable to society because of what others are expecting based on published media. Those include, social media, published articles, and even movies and TV shows. The media’s portrayal of beauty has had a generational effect on american society with young people falling victim to unrealistic standards. Failing to participate in these ideals can lead to non acceptance, ostracization, and even bullying due toRead MoreThe Effects of Modern Body Image1380 Words  | 6 Pagesand shame†(Brown, n.d.). Body image, on the other hand, â€Å"is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual’s perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance†(Serdar, n.d.). According to Nordqvist, it is divided into two perceptions: positive and negative body images. He states that positive body image is â€Å"based on reality – the individual sees himself/herself as they really are; they accept parts of their body that are not ideal, but are generally happy withRead MoreMass Media s Influence On Society962 Words  | 4 Pagesin their body image (Cash, 2004).Body image is extensively publicized in mass media (Cash, 2004). Researchers have questioned this phenomenon of the impact of social media on individual’s perceptual of body image. The purpose of this study is to examine mass media portrayal of body image which has influence individual beliefs and desires to be â€Å"thin†which has resulted in an unrealistic ideal societal body image. Media portrayal the standard for beauty Mass media has depicted slender body types asRead MoreHas the Media’s Portrayal of Women Negatively Affected the Body Image of The Wykeham Collegiate Senior School Girls?3130 Words  | 13 PagesHas the Media’s Portrayal of Women Negatively Affected the Body Image of The Wykeham Collegiate Senior School Girls? Table of Contents Page Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Review of Literature 4 Methodology and Presentation of Findings 8 Processing of Findings 12 Conclusion 14 Reference list 16 Appendix 17 Introduction It seems that the media’s portrayalRead MoreThe Media Of A Middle School Student1486 Words  | 6 PagesAs a middle school student, I was oblivious to the unrealistic portrayals in the media, but I was not able to escape its harmful grasp. It seemed every girl at the school suffered with body image issues because their perception of beauty is what they had been taught by society. Anorexia and bulimia were far too common, while self-esteem and confidence were very hard to find. Not only were the girls trying to become â€Å"beautiful,†they were also trying to act older than they were. Starting at the extremeRead MoreMedia s Portrayal Of Women1155 Words  | 5 Pageshighly unachievable and thought as as the ideal woman. An average woman exposed to these photos may feel depresssed and may want to look like the model through unsafe dieting and other eating disorders. The media has affected girls as young as six years old into changing their appearance to look similar to those idealized in television and magazines. The mass media’s portrayal of women today sets standards of beauty that are highly unattainable and unrealistic, leading to an increase of eating disorders
Monday, December 16, 2019
Differentiating Work And Keeping Learners Motivated Free Essays
The Entry to Employment ( E2E ) programme is a roll-on/roll-off class designed to supply a tract for 16-18 twelvemonth olds who are non in instruction, employment or preparation ( NEETs ) towards employment or farther instruction. As many of these scholars have non been in any kind of instruction for some clip due to exclusion or other barriers to their acquisition, they may get with a deficiency of apprehension of their ain abilities, current degree of cognition and, frequently, larning troubles that may or may non hold been identified antecedently. Using instance surveies of pupils that have been anonymised, this paper will analyze ways in which work can be differentiated for pupils, peculiarly those with larning troubles, in a group that has a broad scope of abilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Differentiating Work And Keeping Learners Motivated or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will besides look at ways to actuate scholars affected by their ain realization that they may non be at the same degree of their equals to work towards makings at their ain criterion. Main Body Over the last 2 old ages I have been learning pupils in the Foundation Department of East Riding College where I have taught scholars with mild larning troubles and other barriers to larning. In this clip the section has besides taken on the proviso of an E2E class which has been developed to offer NEETs a path into farther instruction, apprenticeships or employment. The purpose of the class is to develop the scholars ‘ basic literacy, numeracy and ICT accomplishments and besides supply other topics that will heighten their employment and societal accomplishments to a degree that would be acceptable to an employer. Although E2E Entitlement Curriculum states that: Some immature people may come in E2E with larning troubles and disablements or may come into E2E at below entry degree. The function of E2E for these scholars, and their advancement and accomplishment through the programme will necessitate to be carefully negotiated. Every consideration should be taken to guarantee that immature people are non placed permissively on E2E because their behavior or demands may forbid them being placed elsewhere ( LSC, 2006, p.6 ) . It has been my experience that some scholars that are referred to E2E arrive with larning troubles that are non statemented or have ne’er been identified because the scholar has non been in any kind of instruction for some clip due to exclusion from school or other barriers to instruction. As Petty, observes: â€Å" Each scholar is alone and has single demands. If the demands of our scholars are discovered and met, the opportunities of success are greatly increased †( Petty, 2009, p.530 ) . So it is indispensable that initial and diagnostic appraisals are carried out for each of the scholars every bit shortly as possible to place any acquisition troubles and enable schemes to be put into topographic point to supply support for the pupil. Motivation, as with all instruction, is an of import factor that affects scholars on the E2E class. Scales points out that â€Å" Everyone is motivated to larn ; it ‘s portion of what it means to be human. †( Scales, 2008, P. 237. ) , but besides clarifies that â€Å" Learning is natural ; instruction, unluckily is n’t. †( Scales, 2008, p.238 ) . In the instance of many E2E pupils, although â€Å" street wise †due to life experiences, farther formal instruction would non hold been envisaged in their ain hereafter. They have small or no intrinsic motive to take up analyzing and comply with class demands. Whereas intrinsic motive in instruction can be seen as a desire for the pupil to larn for their ain demands and involvements, extrinsic motive is frequently a major portion of larning utilizing the proviso of wagess, competition or countenances ( Harkin et al. 2001, p.67 ) . Although extrinsic motive can be utile when set abouting boring undertakings, it is evidently more desirable for a pupil to develop an intrinsic motive to larn. Self-efficacy, as described by Bandura, in his societal cognitive theory is â€Å" the belief in one ‘s capablenesss to form and put to death the classs of action required to pull off prospective state of affairss †( Bandura, 1995, p. 2 ) . He besides states that a individual with strong self-efficacy will develop strong intrinsic motives towards undertakings and involvements ( Bandura, 1994 ) . Initially many of the pupils are placed on the class by Connexions. As it is non ever their ain pick to re-join instruction, their lone motive to fall in the class appears to be extrinsic, for illustration in the signifier of Education Maintenance Allowance or as portion of a tribunal order. Much has to be done to actuate these scholars and many extrinsic incentives need to be applied such as congratulations and encouragement or physical wagess ( e.g. cocoa ) . A peculiar characteristic that I have observed is that although the college is in an mean sized town with several secondary schools, most of the scholars know each other due to being placed in assorted Work Related Learning or Pupil Referral groups. This can take to a peculiar type of de-motivation as new scholars join the group. This is where a scholar does non understand their ain current degree of cognition and apprehension of a topic due to the fact that they have been out of instruction for some clip and they see that their equals may be set abouting work of a higher degree than them. The scenario tends to be: because their friend is making a certain degree of work, they excessively want to make work at this degree. They so find that they are non able to make the work because of their current capablenesss and so become de-motivated because they believe themselves inferior. With respect to Reece and Walker ‘s version of Maslow ‘s hierarchy of basic human needs as appl ied to the schoolroom, ( Reece A ; Walker, 2007 ) , self-esteem is lowered and so motive is affected. O’Brien and Guiney province that: ‘Differentiation is non about trouble-shooting. It is a construct that has to be seen in an inclusive manner, using to everyone ‘ ( O’Brien A ; Guiney, 2001, p. nine ) . Of class, attending should ever be paid to the distinction of work for pupils in all categories, but for the ground mentioned above it is peculiarly of import that work is differentiated for these scholars so that their self-pride is non affected. Case 1- Student J. J. joined a new group with seven other scholars. He had travelled around the state with his household and so did non cognize any of the other scholars. On his application to fall in the class he stated that he had no acquisition troubles. His initial appraisal consequences showed that he was Entry 1 for literacy and numeracy where the other scholars were Entry 3 to Level 1. J. was upset when in the first category he was given a diagnostic numeracy trial at Entry 2 when other scholars were finishing nosologies at a higher degree. In treatment with J. it appeared that he may hold had dyslexia as he described some of the authoritative marks such as seeing drifting words and composing words backwards. He explained that he had ever thought of himself as stupe and blamed himself for his hapless literacy and numeracy accomplishments. Following a showing within the college, it was confirmed that J. did hold dyslexia and schemes were put into topographic point to back up his hereafter larning such as the allotment of a Learning Support Advisor to work with him when required. This was the initial measure in so happening ways that work could be differentiated in ways that suited J. When developing worksheets for a category, it became of import that if separate worksheets were appropriate for different degree pupils, all sets would take to the same replies or decisions. For illustration, higher degree scholars may be asked to compose an reply in a few sentences, whereas J. may be given multiple pick replies or a cloze exercising. The of import thing being that when, as a group, we could travel through work and J. would experience confident giving replies along with his equals. Mentoring was besides good to J. He would frequently understand things better if he was helped by one of his equals. Because of this, J. would work good in little groups with peculiar scholars doing certain that the groups were chosen carefully. There has been a definite alteration in J ‘s self-efficacy. Gross states that â€Å" this is brought approximately best through existent experience in confronting antecedently feared or avoided state of affairss †( Gross, 2009, p.832 ) . J. appears to be developing an intrinsic motive to larn and is now meaning to travel on to a foundation degree class. Case 2- Student B. B. has many barriers to larning including behavioral jobs and a deficiency of appropriate societal accomplishments. B. knew many of the scholars in the group that she was fall ining and instantly wanted to make the work that they were making despite the fact that her initial appraisal had shown her to be at a lower degree of ability than her friends were presently at. It was explained to B. that she needed to work at her literacy accomplishments to achieve the degree that they were at ; after all, they had been on the class for some hebdomads already. B. did non understand this and refused to make any work that was below the degree of her equals. When given the work above her current degree, she became riotous in category due to the fact that she was unable to make the work. B. had old bad educational experiences which had, in portion, led to her exclusion from school. She had non been in instruction since the age of 11 and so her basic accomplishments were hapless. B. did non hold any farther acquisition troubles other than her societal and emotional barriers to acquisition and so schemes to actuate her rich person had to be developed. As with J. distinction has to be applied to results every bit good as the work that is devised for B. When work was set for B, it shortly became evident that she responded good to praise when she had completed undertakings good. Often she would hotfoot to hold her work marked before go oning with other undertakings. B. besides responded good to kinaesthetic acquisition manners and she enjoyed games such as lotto and card games. It became obvious that she was profoundly satisfied by the feedback she received and that this provided her motive. Behavioural theory provinces that when a stimulation is applied a right response should be rewarded and wrong responses should be discouraged. Thorndike ‘s â€Å" Law of Effect †, would look to use here where the satisfaction that a reward brings increases the desire to make the same once more in future ( Child, 2007, p.164 ) . Decision Although it may be already hard and clip devouring to develop lessons for these groups any jobs are exacerbated by the fact that the scholars may get and go forth at any clip during the roll-on/roll-off programme. This means that it is indispensable that diagnostic appraisals are completed instantly to determine accomplishment degrees, larning manners and any learning troubles or disablements. O’Brien and Guiney point out that â€Å" Sometimes teaching troubles are manipulated and become identified as larning troubles †( O’Brien and Guiney, 2001, p.20 ) . This should non be allowed to go on. The development of intrinsic motive within scholars is a mark for all instructors but it can non ever be achieved when pupils are non receptive to larning. Extrinsic motive is frequently a major portion of the rhythm and should be used consequently. It can be seen that there is a definite demand for distinction in a group that has many scholars at differing degrees and abilities. It is highly hard to seek to learn such a group and keep motive if the undertakings are non adapted for single scholars and their educational demands. How to cite Differentiating Work And Keeping Learners Motivated, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My greatest accomplishment free essay sample
When someone asks you to describe yourself in 3 words, it’s one of the hardest things. You don’t want to sound conceited about yourself, and you also don’t want to sound like you hate yourself. My answer has always been the same. I describe myself as an average 17 year old. Though I have traveled the world and been very lucky to experience some of the most magical opportunities. I am a girl that is not different from many others, but when you look deep down, I am. I was born in Toulouse, France and at the age of 4 my parents decided to move to Casablanca, Morocco. After 4 years, my parents got divorced, and my mother, being the adventure seeker she is, decided to move my sister and I to Florida. I had the hardest time fitting in because I was â€Å"different.†To 8 year olds, not speaking English is like walking through Magic Kingdom for your first time. We will write a custom essay sample on My greatest accomplishment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People were amazed by me and I felt as if I belonged in the Guinness Book for being unusual. Every day was an ongoing battle with myself. I hated being the girl that stood out from everyone. When I finally learned English, I was so happy. Not because I now knew 2 languages, but because I wouldn’t be different from everyone else. Teachers are good at teaching their own preferred subjects, however they don’t seem to teach you uniqueness. Being unique or different, is one of the single greatest traits a person can have. Even though most girls seek to become the super models they see in magazines, I seek to be myself nowadays. I have tried to fit in for so many years, but now it’s my time to be me. As years have passed, I have learned who I truly am. I might look like the average 17 year old girl on the outside, but when you get to know me, I can leave a foot print on your heart. I have learned from all of my mistakes that it’s okay to be yourself. It’s okay to goof around and be childish for some quick seconds, and it’s also okay to be serious and act like a grown up at times, but in the end you need to be happy. With that being said, my greatest accomplishment is not being First Place winner at a national dance competition, my greatest accomplishment is being me. Finding myself in all of this ruckus has been a battle, but in the end I have put my flag down and claimed ownership to who I truly am.
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