Saturday, March 21, 2020
presidential term essays
presidential term essays Although the debate over term limits dates back to the birth of our nation, the problems still exist. Term limitation is not strictly a modern topic. The presidential term limit also aroused debates amongst the founding fathers of the United States (Milkis 36). The president of the United States is elected by the entire nation, therefore government is kept near to the people. The people have the right to choose and judge who they will and will not elect into office. The presidential term limit should be bolished because it prevents and deprives society of experienced servants. Term limitations reduce the incentives for political accountability. Our founding fathers believed that imposing term limits would create enhanced participation in government and greater representation of the people. Arguments between our founding fathers were common especially when they were creating the presidency. Our fore fathers had many ideas about term limitations, some for the limitation and some for no limit, in 1797 the convention voted to have only one term (Milkis 36). Many delegates saw that the advantages of reeligibility were powerful, but the issue remained. Reeligibility will not only give the nation a way to keep a good president in office, it also gave the executive who is running for office a good motive to good behavior and to do everything to the best of his ability once in office. Reeligibility would also give an executive with ambition and avarice a good motive to be reelected. The issue still remained alive. According to Noah Webter the president of the United States of America is elective (McCormick 41). If the president of the Unites States of America is able to lead the nation into prosperity and progress there is no reason why he should be restricted to a two four years term. There have been great presidents in the United States that could have served for more then two ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
May Day Activities for Grades 1-3
May Day Activities for Grades 1-3 Each May, schools across the globe celebrate spring on May Day (May 1). This holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years, and traditions include giving flowers, singing, and dancing around a Maypole. Celebrate the arrival of spring by providing your students with a few of these festive May Day activities. Maypole May Day is often celebrated with a Maypole dance. This popular custom includes weaving ribbons around a pole. To create your own Maypole have students take turns wrapping ribbon (or crepe paper) around a pole. Have two students walk around the pole in opposite directions weaving the ribbon in and out. Once students get the hang of it, play some music and allow them to skip, or dance around the pole as they weave the ribbon. To unwind the ribbon have students reverse their direction. Continue this process until all of the students have had a turn. For additional fun, decorate the top of the Maypole with flowers and have students sing the Maypole song. Maypole Song Here we go around the pole,Round the pole,Round the pole,Here we go around the poleOn the first day of May.(Students name) goes around the pole,Round the pole,Round the pole,(Students name) goes around the poleOn the first day of May. May Baskets Another popular May Day custom is to create a May Day basket. These baskets are filled with candy and flowers and left on the doorstep of a friends home. Back in the day, children would make a basket and leave it on the front porch or the doorknob of a friends home, then they would ring the doorbell and quickly leave without being seen. To renew this fun custom with your students have each child create a basket for a classmate. Materials: Coffee filtersWatercolor markersWater (spray bottle with water)TapeScissorsTissue paper Steps: Have students decorate the coffee filter with the markers, then spray the filter with water so the color bleeds. Set aside to dry.Alternate different color tissue paper (about 3-6) and fold in half twice, then trim the edge, rounding the corners so it almost looks like a triangle.Poke a hole into the point of the tissue paper and secure a pipe cleaner. Then start unfolding the paper to create a petal.Once the basket is dry and the flowers are made, place each flower into the basket. May Day Hoops On May Day young girls would often decorate a wooden hoop with spring flowers and compete in a contest to see who had the best-looking hoop. To re-create this May Day custom, have students partner up and decorate a hula-hoop. Provide students with art supplies, such as ribbon, flowers, crepe paper, yarn, feathers, felt, and markers. Have students decorate the hoop as they wish. Be sure to encourage students to be creative and use their imaginations. May Day Writing Prompts Here are a few May Day writing prompts to encourage your students to think about May Day traditions and customs. What is your favorite May Day tradition or custom?What would you put in your May Day basket?What kinds of games would you play on May Day?How would you decorate a Maypole, give details?Who would you like to leave you a basket, and why? May Day Stories Explore May Day even further by reading a few of these stories to your students on May Day. On the Morn of Mayfest written by Erica SilvermanLittle Grey Rabbits May Day written by Allison UttleyThe Rainbow Tulip written by Pat MoraQueen of the May written by Steven Kroll
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